Thursday, 23 January 2014


Bit of a delayed post, but recently (as in November) my course visited Bradford Animation Festival.
Before hand, I thought visiting it would just involve us sitting around for 3 days watching cartoons by obscure animators. While a lot of it was that (and don't get me wrong - it isn't a bad thing), we also got to witness some talks with some animators who have actually 'made it'.
The days featured some showings of animations created by students and professionals. 
On the first day, one animation that particularly stood out for me was one called  'In the air is Christopher Gray' by Felix Massie. I thoroughly enjoyed the fluidity and simplicity of the 2D animation. Massie managed to give such simple characters dynamic personalities and that is a tricky thing to do. 
The next day featured many more inspiring animations which were really interesting to see.
I did not attend the third day unfortunately due to illness but I throughly enjoyed BAF.

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