Monday 18 May 2015


I saw this video was suggested for me after I watched a video on a new trailer for the new series of Digimon, celebrating their 15th anniversary. 
This video drew me in as I saw it was featuring Joshua Seth, who I knew was the main character Tai's voice in the original series. 

A part that interested me in this video was when Seth was discussing how much the original Japanese anime of Digimon has been Westernised for non-Japanese speaking people. 
One of the enemies in the video was drinking Saki in the original but that got changed to 'soda' for the English dub.
I think it's strange that they even bother to change details like this for the English audience, why don't they just dub it with the details the same so kids/people who may be watching can learn a bit about the country the anime is from?

At the end of the video Seth states that if he were to be asked if he wanted to voice Tai in the possible English dub of the new series, he'd do it. I find this very exciting. 

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