Thursday 11 August 2016

OUAN602 PP3: Uncharted 4

I recently finished playing Uncharted 4 for the PS4 and it did not disappoint. The game demonstrates an incredible technical achievement but also one of the most cleverly crafted and most cinematic action games ever made, in my opinion. This scene for example, features Nathan and his wife just sitting down to dinner, nothing too fancy, but I literally felt like I was watching a live action film. The attention to detail in this game was astonishing and the gameplay itself did not suffer for this. It was very action packed and the frame rate was really smooth. My only quibble was that it was fairly short to be the last of a series of games. This was one of my favourite cutscenes as it featured an Easter egg from Crash Bandicoot (which was created by the same developer, Naughty Dog). Watching cutscenes like this really makes me regret not looking further into 3D. Uncharted 4 was a great game, highly recommended. 

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